wail 3ani9
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 عملاق حرق وتعديل ملفات الايزو " UltraISO Premium Edition " بأخر إصداراته - على سيرفرات متعددة

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wail 3ani9
wail 3ani9

عدد المساهمات : 152
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/06/2011

عملاق حرق وتعديل ملفات الايزو " UltraISO Premium Edition " بأخر إصداراته - على سيرفرات متعددة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: عملاق حرق وتعديل ملفات الايزو " UltraISO Premium Edition " بأخر إصداراته - على سيرفرات متعددة   عملاق حرق وتعديل ملفات الايزو " UltraISO Premium Edition " بأخر إصداراته - على سيرفرات متعددة Emptyالثلاثاء يونيو 28, 2011 8:28 am

عملاق حرق وتعديل ملفات الايزو " UltraISO Premium Edition " بأخر إصداراته - على سيرفرات متعددة Oou_ou11

UltraISO Premium Edition 9.3.6

عملاق حرق وتعديل ملفات الايزو " UltraISO Premium Edition " بأخر إصداراته - على سيرفرات متعددة 125

عملاق نسخ ملفات الايزو
UltraISO Premium Edition
انه أشهر برامج تعديل ملفات الايزو حرقها بمنتهى السهولة واليسر
برنامج عملاق مصنف كأفضل برامج النسخ وعمل محرك اقراص وهمى
برنامج رهيب فى امكانياته يستحق التجربة

An easy to use utility to create, edit and convert CD image files

Along with large capacity hard disk popularity, people were already used to coping compact discs to CD/DVD image files (also called compact disc image) , generally used is the famous ISO 9660 international standards format, therefore CD/DVD image files are called ISO files.

Because the ISO file retained complete data information of the compact disc (including compact disc boot information), you were allowed the convince to use commonly used CD burning software (for example Nero-Burning ROM ) to record the disc with your CD-R/RW over and over forever, it can also be used directly through Virtual CD-ROM drive software (for example SoftDisc ) .

UltraISO is a CD/DVD image file creating/editing/converting tool , it can directly edit the CD/DVD image file and extract files and folders from it, as well as directly make ISO files from your CD/DVD drive or hard disk. At the same time, you can maintain the ISO bootable information, thus creating your own bootable CDs and DVDs. You now have the power to make and edit your own ISO files, and then burn them to CD or DVD for your own needs.

UltraISO is in sole possession of the intellectualized ISO format analyzer, it can process at the present time almost all types of image files, including ISO and BIN, it may even support new image files which are yet to be created. UltraISO can open these image files, directly extract files and folders, edit it and convert other image files to the standard ISO format.

UltraISO uses the double window unification user contact interface, you have the choice to only use the quick buttons and/or the mouse Drag & Drops, you can handle any CD/DVD image file easily.

Here are some key features of "UltraISO Media Edition":

· Can directly edit the ISO image file.
· Can directly extract files and folder from ISO image file
· Can add / delete /create new directory /rename ISO file image
· Can make ISO file from hard disk
· Can create CD image from CD/DVD-ROM, maintain bootable information.
· Can process the compact disc boot information, you can directly add/remove/extract boot image of the ISO image.
· Supports nearly all known CD image file formats (.ISO, .BIN, .IMG, .CIF, .NRG, .BWI and so on) , and converts them to the standard ISO form image.
· May directly set the file/folder to hidden attribute
· Supports ISO 9660 Level1/2/3 and Joliet extension
· Automatically optimizes the ISO image file structure, saves the CD space.
· Supports the shell type integration, Open Image files through double clicking them or the Right Click menu of the mouse with the open dialog.
· The double window user interface is extremely convenient to use.
· There are rich add-on tools, you can create ALL in 1 bootable compact discs, CD image file management, even the virtual CD/DVD drive , those functions are really powerful.


· Intel Pentium 166MHz or above.
· 64MB memory.
· At least 10MB free hard disk space .
· CD-ROM, CD-R/RW, DVD-ROM, the DVD-R/RW driver (copy compact disc image needs).
· Mouse














عملاق حرق وتعديل ملفات الايزو " UltraISO Premium Edition " بأخر إصداراته - على سيرفرات متعددة 648214
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